▶ [购物] 休斯顿海鲜市场


休斯顿 海鲜 市场


415 Waterfront DrSeabrook, TX 77586

302 Waterfront DrSeabrook, TX 77586

511 11th Ave Seabrook, TX 77586


Rose’ Seafood Inc

Great Selection!
Offers a great selection of seafood and at great prices too! Now there's a reward card that's free to sign up and saves even more money!
After shopping at Rose's for over 12 years, we love their new place. The food has always, always been fresh and the new facilty is very nice. You cannot go wrong buying your fresh seafood from Rose's.

T H Seafood Inc

This is my favorite place to go shop for seafood. My wife and I have shopped around and by far this is the only place that is suitable for us.The products are all high end stuff at very cheap prices. Their prices are the best by far and I can tell you the don't sell junk. I highly recommend shopping here before spending your money at those other places.
 This place is awesome. I found everything I needed in one spot for super low prices, The service was fantastic fast and friendly. I love this place you have to give it a visit.


Waterfront市场里面有大概八九家海鲜市场的样子,没仔细数,都是独立的二层小楼~~我们只逛了几家。。有的店周一休息,有的7天都不休息,关门时间现在大概在5-7点,每天时间也不同。建议还是早点去,挑点新鲜的好~ 昨天有一家店螃蟹特价1.99我们下午2-3点过去,就只剩了几只老弱微微颤抖和几只战败的螃蟹掉下来的爪子了。鱼虾种类很多, 虾按照大小品种,有头无头,有皮无皮,分了很多类,不认识的鱼很多,比超市里面丰富多啦。带鱼这里有写名字 belt fish哈,完全活得只见到了螃蟹和花蛤。

有的店想买东西,别忘了进门取个号,人挺多的~ 拿着号再挑一挑,节省排队时间。

市场临海,如果再继续走,会走过一个大桥(从桥上看到下面有很多很多捕鱼小船),会发现对面有一个游乐场(见详细介绍《Kemah凯马海滨小镇步行街》),在海鲜市场岸这边都听到声音很热闹,还有饭店酒吧之类的感觉不错~ 可以白天去玩,顺便买点鱼虾回家~~买的时候要些冰,把鱼虾放在cooler里面(amazon有售见这里Coleman Cooler,一般超市也有),可以保存一下午新鲜没问题。

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作者:Cavin Ma 休斯顿•易生活网 站长

作者:Cavin Ma 休斯顿•易生活网 站长

来自哈尔滨,自2009年来休斯顿工作和生活。曾经久居医学中心7年之久,现定居Pearland梨城,熟知地产行情,太太是这两地经验丰富的地产经纪人。从一个人怀揣三千美金来美国,到现在全家四口买房定居,深知来美国打拼之艰辛。把自己在美国生活的经验和感受总结成“休斯顿•易生活网”,希望能够对华人朋友有所帮助。我做过博后,DIY过EB1A绿卡爱烧烤爱钓鱼钓螃蟹懂房地产爱网购,爱总结回国礼物,对美国保健品也有相当的研究。有事您找我:咨询房地产微信:wull_123, 其他业务微信:wecareshare    邮箱 ezthelife@gmai.com

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